Monday, November 3, 2008

Cooper's First Birthday

Cooper Turns One Year Old

I can't believe how fast the last year went bye. People always told me that once you have kids, time goes by so fast. I always thought they were exagerating. Boy was I wrong! I can't say that Cooper's Birthday Party went off without a hitch, because we had one little bumpb in the road. I ordered his cake from Osterwyk's Dutch Bakery in Marysville because my Mom had purchased my 18th Birthday cake there and it was amazing. It was a sunflower themed cake that I remember vividly. Wanting Cooper to have a wonderful cake for his First Birthday, I went to them. Boy what a mistake I made. When I went to pick up the cake, I couldn't believe the service that 2 other customers recieved. They both came in after me, and asked for a cup of coffee, and it being a bakery, you wouldn't think this would be to much to ask for. Well it was. They lady said she didn't have any made, and wasn't going to make anymore. So I thought to myself, it must be close to closing time. Wrong again, closing was 2 hours away. When they brought Cooper's cake out I couldn't wait to see it. I had this wonderful Sesame Street cake invisioned in my head. When the lady showed it to me, I didn't know what to do. It was so ugly. You could tell that a 60+ year old lady had made the cake. It almost looked like a First Grader made it. I paid the lady the $15.00 plus tax and left with the cake. I got in the car, told Kenny how ugly it was, and said that I wouldn't be back. As I drove to my parents house, I told my self, "It's just a cake! No one will care. Let it go! It will be fine!" and I was proud of myself for that. The perfectionist in me was not happy. I get to my parent's house, take the box out of the cake, and couldn't understand why I smelled poop. We didn't bring the dogs with us. Was it a lingering smell from Gus? (He pooped in the house the day before, and my dad stepped in it, and tracked it all over the newly cleaned carpets, my mom was not happy!) I thought no, there's no way that is from Gus. As I took the cake to show my Mom, I kept smelling it. IT WAS THE CAKE! It smelled like poop! Yes, real poop! I thought, how can I serve this? I can't! Mom tasted it, Kenny tasted it...they said it taste okay, if you can get past the smell. I couldn't. There was no way I was serving this to my guests. So off to Safeway I went to get a new cake. Of course it being 5 o'clock, they decorators had all gone home. I picked the biggest cake they, had, asked the girl to write on it and add some balloons and I would be happy. Of course, she messed up, but I said it was not a problem, because it doesn't smell like poop! In the end,it was a great story to share with everyone and no one cared what the cake looked like.

Cooper got his first car on his first birthday. He loves it. It's at my parent's house, because we don't have the room for it. When ever we go over there, he plays in it or pushes it around the house. What a great gift. Thank you Steve & Cheryl. He did a wonderful job opening his gifts. We practiced all week with the gifts that he recieved from people that wouldn't be attending his party.

He did a great job with his cake. Although I learned to not use red frosting. It looked like he was bleeding everywhere. THANK YOU to all that came and helped us celebrate this major milestone in Cooper's life.